Hi @Remco Kort,
Do you have more information on how to create the base vectors for the searchable content? We have for example a database full of knowledge items and services.. each consists of a title, intro and full description.
I have questions doubts on how to structure the embedding request..
- TW only support one string text input right? So in this case I should concatenate title, intro and full description?
- How does TW/OpenAI treat HTML tags? Do they need to be stripped upfront?
- There is max input (tokens), are these characters? If so what need to happen when you have an item that supersedes this max input?
- Is there a smart way to validate if a vector is still up to date? Or you just need to track updates on the content that was embedded?
Do you have more input or information to share?
A small update after some testing:
- You have to strip HTML tags, as some elements are forbidden, and everything you send over is treated as text and thus used to match.
- When you have a larger dataset to check, the similarity check takes quite some time. I moved the check from the function to the view and that speeds things up quite a bit.. but nevertheless a search agains 255 documents (vector-embeddings) still takes up to 3 seconds.. so I would advise to do the similarity check in the background to reduce loading time for the user.
for the rest it works quite nice. Good to have this connector out of the box.
@Anne Buit @Sander Kiesbrink any tips on treating larger documents?
At our customer we have a database of 155000 products.
The user needs to check if a product is already registered before asking to register a new product.
You can imagine it's hard to make sure the product bdoes not exist, especially because over time there have been changes in the standardization of the registration.
Would the solution in this thread be applicable for the described usecase?
Have a search term (the new product) and check that against the existing products?
@Freddy you mentioned it was a bit slow with 155 items, do you think 155.000 would be too much for a good user experience?