Unit test parameters accept expressions

Related products: Software Factory

Within unit tests it is currently only possible to add fixed values.

Expressions are currently not supported here, but can be of great value. Think of situations in which you have to use the current date or the date of tomorrow/yesterday.

Updated idea status NewDuplicate

Hi Anne,

Can you add a link to the other idea?

Hi Roy,

A similar idea has been posted here: More than just static expected output values at unit tests.

We are already working on some improvements for unit test checks for the next release, but the expressions are up to debate.

Hi Anne,

The other idea is specific to expected output parameters and not also input parameters. Although I suspect that you would immediately implement them there as well.

Implementing a check whether a birthday is not in the future (function has_birthday_in_past) is probably tricky to implement without the ability to input a dateadd-expression.