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Something that is still a struggle to do in the SF are hotfixes (especially SF model based hotfixes). Currently it means either selecting the procedures manually if it is a code hotfix. When making a model change (adding a prefilter for example) If there is already a new trunk version you have to do the change in both the production and development version, with all possible risks. 

It would be helpful if there was a easier/safer way to do this in the SF. 

First I would like a screen to create a hotfix version. Which would still be the same trunk version but just a subset within the project trunk version.

Then I would like to be able to add a tag to an object or select an object from a list (procedure/filter on a table/trigger/ctx procedure/expression column etc..). 

Finally at the synchronize to iam I would like a new option: deploy hotfix. This would only deploy the changes from the hotfix to the model. 

And at creation - generation source code I would like the option to have generation method: hotfix. This generation method only applies object marked as hotfix, and associated needed object. For example if you change a domain on a task and mark this for the hotfix then the default needs to be created as well, even though it's not marked. 

Updated idea status NewOpen