SF - small usability improvement to the 'generate all the stuff' task

Related products: Software Factory

Hi all,

I am incredibly happy with the generate-all-the-stuff task in 2021.3. Could I just ask for a little more?

The defaults are off for a fire and forget approach before lunch; mostly I come back after lunch to a sulking SF on the first minor warning.

So, before lunch I puzzle over the options in the screen :

generate all the stuff with optimal settings, note jumping radio positions

There are five subsections, all of them have ‘exectute’ somewhere, but they do not always mean the same (compare ‘Execute creation’ with ‘Execute source code’ and then the ‘Execute’-flag on each subsection).

The order of the radio buttons is a bit off. None of the error-related radio sets are strictly in increasing or decreasing order, and the radio sets for ‘Execute source code’ and ‘Generate definitions’ on the one hand, and ‘Validate definitions’ on the other hand have options and arguments inverted.

I'd propose to stick to one set of radio buttons, list them in order of increasing sulkiness, and default to just crash through. That’s what you'd want anyway, when using this task!

Hi Boudewijn,

This task is indeed very handy for executing a complete creation. It also should, by default, make sure the rolled out database is perfectly fine without any errors. The "Complete” option does reflect that; ticking all the boxes to ensure that only a database is created as long everything is good. In our eyes, the happy flow is that the project does not contain any failing code, open validation messages or any other component that fails.

We do not agree with disregarding validation messages. These validation messages are in place to ensure the project's model is correct. Therefore the order of and the default choice for the radio buttons is exactly as intended. The order is from most severe to ignore any messages.

We recommend voting on this Idea in case you would like to be able to setup a custom complete creation: 

In addition, how would you propose to make the list of radio buttons work? What options would the user have?

@Boudewijn , could you elaborate on your idea and answer my question?

Updated idea statusNewDeclined