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Now that our processflows have become more powerful I find myself programming more code templates for specific processteps. At the moment this requires quite a bit of work. I have to go to the functionality screen and create a new control procedure and template from there and then search for my specific processtep, which sometimes can be a bit of pain. Also reviewing process procedure templates within a processflow is a bit of a pain. Because there is no quick way to see the code linked to a processtep.

What would of great help is being able to create/manage control procedure and templates from a specific processflow step. This will save alot of time during development and will make the review work of processflows alot easier aswell. 

Within the processflow screen you will get a control procedure screen that automatically filters on code group process. And it should also include a prefilter for showing control procedures that have at least 1 template linked to a step of this processflow.

Next to this, this same tab is also available on processflow step level. In that screen the prefilter will only display control procedures that have at least 1 template linked to this processflow step.

And finally you will get a direct detail from the processtep that will show you all control procedure templates linked to this processflow step.

Update: I almost forgot, the program object items that are shown when assigning a template from this new control procedure/template screen should only contain the processteps of this processflow.



Hi Arjan,

One remark, Process steps by itself cannot have any functionality. Only Process actions can have Process procedures assigned.

Nevertheless, thank you for the idea! It looks like quite some Community members agree 😄

Updated idea statusNewOpen