Select reciprocal merge as default for DEVELOP->RELEASE and RELEASE->MAIN

Related products: Software Factory

Protected branches

Since the branches RELEASE and DEVELOP are automatically protected and recognized as persistent and protected it would be nice that when the popup for “Create merge session” has the reciprocal merge as default. RELEASE and DEVELOP won’t be likely to be archived afterwards.
It’ll prevent that you accidentally archive such a branch and it save a few clicks.


to refine: I meant the default chosen value, still being able to chose to archive the branch.

When both branches are protected, reciprocal merging is the only option.

When the source branch is unprotected, the default behavior is to archive the branch as it is a branch that does not have an indefinite lifespan. Unprotected branches are mostly Feature branches, Hotfix branches, or Test branches that will be discarded later. The happy flow is to merge the feature into the protected branch and thereafter archive the feature branch.

So, why is  branch DEVELOP not automatically protected, as stated in here?