Proxy settings for Indicium/IAM

Related products: Intelligent Application Manager Indicium Service Tier

When Indicium is running on a server which is inside a DMZ, for which the outgoing connections are all routed through a proxy, Indicium is unable to make a connection to the Licensing service. This can be quite annoying when deploying a new IAM or upgrading, since the GUI apps become unavailable when no license is present, halting any possibility to test these apps after upgrading.

Similarly, in this situation any requests done by the HTTP-connector (for instance in scheduled process flows) will also fail to get through when the DMZ blocks access to the licensing service.

I'm not sure what the best place would be for these settings, I would look for it in IAM itself, in a global configuration or in Indicium's settings.



We’re currently working on upgrading Indicium to .NET Core 3.1+, which uses the default OS proxy settings.

Our server is also behind a proxy. I tried with Indicium 2021.1.17, but I am getting a 407 Proxy Authentication Required:

What can I do (other than changing our firewall)?

Hello PWobben,

Proxies, including credentials, can be configured with environment variables. Could you try configuring the ALL_PROXY environment variable in the Configuration Editor of the Indicium web application in IIS?

The credentials can be supplied in the proxy URL, between the scheme and the server address, as shown in my example above.

I hope this helps

Thanks Vincent, this works.