Private Certificate when using HTTP connector

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Intelligent Application Manager Indicium Service Tier

For a client we need to connect to the HDN network (Hypotheker Data Network).

We have been able to simulate the required communication with the network using both Postman and Insomnia but are running into some issues building this connection using Thinkwise. (Simulation available on request)

The root cause of this issue is the fact that connecting to the network requires the use of a private certificate as authentication. In postman this means installing a certificate issued by HDN and the private key of that certificate. Postman will use this certificate for all calls to the provided domain. Based on this certificate an access token is provided for use with the API.

When sending a message to the network (base64 encoded XML) the network also required me to attach a signature of the message to the json encoded request.body. 

  • We currently see no option for sending out http request from Thinkwise using a private certificate.
  • We have been unable to create message signatures based on the private key of a certificate.

I can understand if this issue is niche and not suited for the general branch of the Thinkwise release and a custom CLR would probably ben completely workable for us. Or do any of you have any briliant ideas that we haven’t come up with yet?

(Ideally this would also work for the Oauth login connector as that it what we’re trying to do.)

Updated idea statusNewOpen

Just to provide an update. We currently have a working solution using a AWS LAMDA microservice. 

This microservice acts as a proxy server. Thinkwise sends the request over to the proxy server, the proxy forwards this and uses a provided private certificate and returns the received response.

Works like a charm. ;)