Password reset/forgot via link instead of Token in the email

Related products: Indicium Service Tier

Wouldn’t it be nice to send a link via email to allow for password Reset instead of a token. 

Additionally for the IAM operator to be able to set a template for the Reset password email that will be send to the user.


  • User presses the forgot password.
  • Receives an email, provided the email or username entered exists under an IAM user.
  • The User upon pressing the link it is redirected to Reset password page
  • The User enters only new password and verifies password, provided it meets strength and complexity.

Cons: We avoid the sending of tokens and the User needing to copy/paste or memorize it to enter it in the existing reset password.

Pros: The Reset password becomes simpler, as the token can be already enbedded in the link send in the email.

Hello mperrot,

As luck would have it, we have actually just implemented this. It will most likely be released this upcoming Friday (November 11th).

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Hello mperrot,

As luck would have it, we have actually just implemented this. It will most likely be released this upcoming Friday (November 11th).

@Vincent Doppenberg  I had opened it in past in old TCP but lost track of it 🙂 good that it was implemented.

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