Manual test role (authorization) for the Software Factory

Related products: Software Factory

We increasingly encourage to register the test scenarios they have in the SF under Manual Test Scenarios. Key users should also be able to do this. Both the registration of these scenarios and the execution of a test run. This also includes creating findings. There is actually no role for this yet. A test role. A role that only makes these test functionalities available.
The situation is such that we have indicated that we will register the test scenarios in the SF. These are currently in an Excel file.
Later, if Key-users are going to perform regression tests, for example, it would be appropriate if they could do this via the SF. Then all these test runs are registered.
The wish is therefore to create a test role that can at least be used for the following components:

  • Specification -> Manual Test Scenarios
  • Quality -> Manual Tests

OpenOn the backlog

On the backlogPlanned

PlannedWorking on it!

Working on it!Completed