Maintain project version destination

Related products: Intelligent Application Manager

Files used by an application, say images, reports etc., are store in a specific folder. In most cases the location of this folder is different for the development environment then it is for the production environment. IAM provides a task the update all the file links within a project version. This is a useful feature. However I would like this feature the store the altering made to the path (difference between development and production). Currently you have to update this path each time you synch a version, whether this is a new or already existing version. In my opinion this is redundant. IAM should be able to store the altering made within the path to set it the right path used in the production environment. Therefor automatically update the path upon synchronizing the next time.
I created a similar wish for this. Jasper commented that the files will be stored in the application in future versions. Making this wish redundant in the near future.
I created a similar wish for this. Jasper commented that the files will be stored in the application in future versions. Making this wish redundant in the near future.

This depends if it is a requirement, to store all files in the database, or an option.
@Arjan Sollie . Before we sync a version to IAM we already made a new version for development in the SF. The version we'd like to sync has a project folder path which we alter from the DEV path to the PRODUCTION path. Now you don't have to worry about the replace path task in IAM. A huge problem with doing this in IAM is the fact you cannot see what is has been set to right now, so you have to query for example icon from tab in IAM. Another problem is: In our project all developers have more access rights on the file system, so if we simply forget to change the path after syncing we will see the icons, but the users won't. For us it helps a lot to just change the project folder path in the SF, before syncing.
@Tom van Druten ,

In most cases, including this one, the acceptation and production environment use there own application folder. Therefor setting this folder in the SF project version, is not going to solve my problem.
I see. In our case the acceptation project folder is equal to the production folder.
This depends if it is a requirement, to store all files in the database, or an option.

Hi @Robert Jan de Nie, do you have any use cases in which you rather don't want to have the model files stored in the database?

In the upcoming 2020.2 release of the Software Factory, the icons, reports and other files are stores in the database.