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The way extended properties have to be configured is too complicated. First find the right Extended Property in the documentation etc...

Why not show all extended properties and fill them with default values at first use and show all possible options per property with a lookup?



Today it happened that a Extended Property did not work, after a few our I found out that there was an almost invisible character in the Extended Property, because it was copied from the documentation.

For that reason, please show all possible Extended Properties in a picklist or lookup in the software factory to make it less sensitive for these kinds of errors.


Extended properties are not intended to be a formal part of the Platform. It does help to be agile and solve some situations that would otherwise require you to wait until the next platform version.

By making this a formal part of the platform, we would also need to ensure we clean-up, expand and restrict the values that developers can enter. This also then needs to be implemented in IAM as well, as you can add and overwrite the extended property values there.

We will ensure the input is sanitized onwards, preventing invisible characters from being entered.

If there is anything that is currently an extended property that you use, we should consider making it a formal part of the platform and deprecate the property entirely.


Hi Mark, 

For many years we use various Extended Properties, they come and they go. We use them, because we need them, so we apply them as being formal.



I believe there must be a way to remain working agile while you maintain a table of extended properties and valid values in SF as you do with Hotfixes and Thinkstore items. This would be much more efficient for all of us and result in less frustration.

I hope you will reconsider this decision.

