Display datetime values timezone friendly

Related products: Windows GUI Universal GUI Indicium Service Tier

TL;DR: I want to have support for a datetime field which shows the users local time.

As an ISV we have customers all over the world. This brings some issues with datetime values. We currently save all datetime values as UTC 0 and use a helper function to convert it to the customer local time. This has the disadvantage this needs to be set up for each customer and there is currently no support for customer with offices in multiple timezones. That could be fixed by saving the time zone per user / office, but that introduces yet another setting and introduces complexity (which we don't want). In my opinion the database should not be responsible for displaying the correct time, the client should.

I would suggest that there is some kind of option that always converts a datetime utc0 value to the local time of the users device. Then it's not needed to store company / user information about it's region in a database or IAM.

For us this applies on the webgui, the Universal GUI and the reports generated with DevExpress.

Updated idea status NewOpen
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We would really need to enable the user to enter/view time based on his local settings. Or inquire the timezone from the users browser/system settings. Or even a setting in the .ini 

Azure dataservice only allows UTC time. You can work around it using views instead of tables, but it's much more work. And we wrote our own little function to get the current time/date accounting for the timedifference.

But this is all very cumbersome. Having a timecontroll in the UI that is aware of timezones would really help, not only for international organizations, but for every developer using Azure.

Updated idea statusOpenPlanned

@Jeroen van den Belt any idea when this planned item gets out of its planned status and reaches our product?

@Ricky This idea is planned for the 2022.2 release, which is expected in June. I expect we will start working on this idea somewhere in the next few weeks.

Updated idea statusPlannedWorking on it!

Updated idea statusWorking on it!Next release

Updated idea statusNext releaseCompleted