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It would be great to have two different Richt-Text-Editors for editing text inside de Windows GUI if it relates to HTML styling. In the Windows GUI we now only have one editor as it comes to controlling HTML text. This editor is very rich and can be a problem for setting tooltips in, for example: the tooltip in the resource scheduler component, where HTML is limited and cannot accept all tags that is allowed in HTML.


It would be great to have another HTML-editor. Like the component that has been made for the the Universal GUI. In this component HTML is limited and it supports the limited HTML that is supported  for the tooltip(HTML) in the (extended) resource scheduler. In the limited editor only things like: Bold, Italic, Underline or lists are supported.

Universal GUI - HTML component(Limited)

Windows GUI - HTML component(Rich)

Universal GUI - HTML text editor (Limited)


Windows GUI - HTML text editor (Rich)


Updated idea statusNewOpen