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I would like to be able to launch a task from an unsaved form.

  1. The task starts with the parameters entered by the user.
  2. The task should be able to adjust the fields.

Business case;

The user is entering data, I want to give the user a button which does assumptions based on the entered data and autofill fields with the most likely data. As the default procedure can not call into another system the user has to press a button to do this, but it should be before save.

We have 2 tools in place;
1) If the user can fill in a complete unidata code, we can look up the product properties on our unicat website.
2) If we have a  “crappy” product description from the user we can have chat GPT improve it.

To build those 2 options in the user interface we need an option to start the task from an unsaved record.

How it should work;

The user is entering data and can press a “fix this” button, the workflow presents a number of possible fixes. When the suggestions are right the user clicks ok, and the open form is updated with the suggestions. When the suggestions are bad, the user clicks cancel and nothing changes.


Hi Daan,

We’ve had a similar idea a while back. A process flow was required during editing.

Check out the following topic, does this meet your needs?

Contrary to this idea, the editing row will have to be saved for a bit, but editing can continue straight afterwards. Consider setting up default values for mandatory fields and such for the row to allow for this.

NewNeeds feedback

Thank you, this actually gave me an idea that helped me with something else.

The whole thing about this idea is / was that the user can cancel and doesn’t need to understand what is happening.
The way I think, it it would be ideal if the user could click a button in the form, like find phone number, or check address without the saving.

What would be needed is a “live task”, consuming the data in staging and not the database, and a procedure more or less equal to “the default procedure” to put the data back into the form. It could actually be the default procedure triggered by the hidden field.

Having a way to start the flow and trigger the default procedure from the flow could be enough. ( Just need to somehow tell the default why it is triggered ).