Add do not check validations tickbox to synchronization

Related products: Software Factory

Please add a tickbox to the synchronization task: do not check for validations. For those cases where you are pretty sure there are no validation problems (code changes only for example). 

The synchronization task will not run if you did not run validations. But once you ran them then there is the option to ignore the validations. It would be very helpful if there was the option to synchronize without first running validations . 

Strongly disagree. Validations are there for a reason. They should be ran, especially when synchronising them to IAM. I think keeping the escape option where it is is fine, this way you are forced to at least view the validation-errors as you have to go trough the screens.

If there are validations that are not valid, I think you should report those, so they can be removed or revised.

We've been discussing this idea internally and we agree with what Robert Jan said. The fact that there is an option to ignore the validations, is in our opinion not a valid argument to formally support it.

Even if you expect that no validation messages will occur, we always advise you to validate anyway. This prevents the chance of errors in the end product, there can always be a situation that you had not thought of.

We therefore decided that we will not be implementing this idea.

Updated idea status NewDeclined