Column titles (text) should wrap instead of getting abbreviated / cut off

Related products: Universal GUI

Column titles with long names are annoying because they initially broaden grid columns. After adjusting column width the column title is not completely visible anymore because it does not enter text wrapping mode.

Text wrapping should be able to set up in 3 ways:

  • wrapping on whitespace only
  • wrapping on whitespace, OR word break up (fe: "This column" is 2 words and can be wrapped between This and Column. "Seatbelts" though is 1 word but could be wrapped up by using word breakup to something like "Seat- wrap- belts" depending on vocabulary or letter count.
  • wrapping up as one of the above, combined with text abbreviation (points). Fe "This extensive information" as column title could be wrapped up like "This -wrap- extensi -wrap- ve inf -wrap- ormati..."

But I would already be happy when just wrapping on whitespace could be accomplished.

Hi Frans,

Our Windows and Web interfaces already support this (partly) by putting enters in the grid translation in the SF. I hope this is helpful for now, to make columns more compact.

Regards, Erik

Wrapping column headers with enter works fine with the Windows GUI, but wrapping is not supported when working with mobile devices with the Universal GUI. Especially with these devices, space is limited, so this feature would be very welcome at Universal GUI. Supporting manual wrapping with enter would already be a big advance with Universal GUI.

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