Image support and adjust row-height for resource in resource scheduler

Related products: Windows GUI


Based on a Question that was asked one year ago(see above), I was wondering if there was any possibility this feature can become reality? In my customer-case I want to make the resource_scheduler bigger in the row-height per resource and in addition I want to display images that reference to a profile-picture of the given resource, but can also reference to a parent resource which is (in my case) a catagory. The adjustable row_height for resources gives me the possibility to display more details of the task description(name). And the supported image possibility gives the customer a friendlier/nicer user experience .It also consists with our card list display that is currently available for the universal GUI.

card-list (universal-gui)



The see above couldn't make it 😛. Anyway, here it is 🙂!

Updated idea statusNewOpen