Fields by default should Trim leading and trailing empty spaces when user tries to save a record

Related products: Software Factory Universal GUI

Fields by default should Trim leading and trailing empty spaces when user tries to save a record.


Automatic trimming is maybe not always desired, although I would like to have auto-trim at all times. It could be something that we can give as option/setting in the Software Factory.

Creating Default procedure code for the column that have been specified to be 'Auto-trim’=1 for example.

Trimming leading and trailing empty spaces is actually the normal and default thing to do. I’ve never noticed an application allow the user to add fields with leading and/or trailing empty spaces. For example when someone tries to create a new email address or a new username or even adding a name (e.g. if i accidentally write ‘  Spyros’) or even creating a new filename or folder in Windows. In the very rare occasion I want to allow a user to add Leading or Trailing empty spaces then i could set that up manually, but the default would be to trim the empty Leading and Trailing spaces.

Please note that i initially added this as a bug (ticket 1611).

Updated idea status NewOpen