IAM user login feedback should distinguish non-existing vs expired users

Related products: Intelligent Application Manager Indicium Service Tier

At the moment, expired users are treated the same as non-existing users. IAM User with an end date added in IAM ‘Ends on’ field get an 'Incorrect username or password' error on both Indicium and Universal Login page, but username and password are actually correct. Could you differentiate between users that don't exist and expired users and return a more descriptive and correct error?

Updated idea status NewOpen

@Vincent Doppenberg Apart from the error shown in the GUI, I also realized that the error in the Indicium log also does not distinguish between the two scenario's. There it would really help to have a different error for the different scenario's:

2023-11-13T09:43:16.7242993+00:00 [err] [Authentication] Authentication through the external identity provider succeeded, but no corresponding user could be found in IAM. Please check the OpenID Providers > Login attempts screen in IAM for more information. (164c3f03).

P.s. I think that the GUI part of this Idea has already been covered partly by the fix (with changed Translation) in Indicium 2021.2.11: