Accept type for file upload (only allow specific extensions)

Related products: Software Factory Intelligent Application Manager Indicium Service Tier

I would like to be able to specify the valid extension(s) that a user can use on a file upload.

I want to help the user a bit more saying they can only upload for example .zip or .xml files, of only images. The accept attribute could be used for this.

Clicking on this, should result into a restricted set of file extensions.



I currently use a default, but that's triggered after someone has selected a file.

Would very much like this! I'm using default procedures too for it.

This could be a great addition if it's configurable from the Software Factory, for instance by using an Extender.

Updated idea status NewOpen
Updated idea status OpenOn the backlog
Updated idea status On the backlogPlanned
Updated idea statusPlannedCompleted

@Jeroen van den Belt  in which manner is this implemented?

@gariens See