Define field height for multilines in grid similar to forms for Universal Gui

Related products: Software Factory Universal GUI

Hi Everyone,

In our development in Universal Gui, we have some cases where we need to put large chunks of strings in grids or just some small group of texts that we need to squeeze between the columns. It would be nice if we have the option to define height for fields similar to what we have in forms.

form field height


I understand that modifying such property would apply to the whole line of record, Which I think makes sense. It would be nice if it would be intelligent enough for it to apply only when necessary. 

One record in with one column having big height.
Wrap text option that will squeeze the text inside a column width.

Having this with us will make records that are long be more identifiable with one look for users.

I have read some ideas regarding row heights by modifying the Model Settings, but they tackle more on the general look of grids. What I’m showing with this idea is row height be applied to records that need them but not to all pages that don't need them, making this more flexible.


Update: in the upcoming 2024.1 platform release it will be possible to configure on a domain of a multiline type of column that the text in the grid can use "Wordwrap”. 

Enabling this makes that the text will flow over multiple lines dependent on the column width.

To be able to use this you need the corresponding 2024.1.10 or higher Universal GUI version.

The height of the grid records (still) listens to the Grid row height setting of the subject in the SF, so you can regulate the amount of text being shown with that. The remaining text can be accessed by a scrollbar within the cell.

Question: is this enough to close the idea or is the dynamic row height still required? This is not planned for implementation yet.

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