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Add, don't show if empty option, to tabs in the screen layouts.

Related products: Software Factory

I’m trying to solve two things,

  1. In our application we have a attribute table in which attributes can have different types. At this moment there is a context procedure to switch between fields to display. That makes that the application is not going to work offline.
  2. Next to this we have a control procedure to hide tabs where users don’t have data to enter. 

For the first I added another idea but we could also solve this with this addition.


I created a subject with a reference to a view. The UI understood that there was no record to show and that it wasn’t possible to add a record. Still, the UI showed the tab with an empty record. 

If it would be possible to choose to hide tabs with no data it is possible to do a lot of things without control procedures.

Both “1” and “2” could be solved this way. For “1” this might not be the most efficient way but in case of “2” we could just delete a control procedure. With that data entry would “probably” work offline.


I don’t see how I can edit this after posting, so a little addition;

Usage in case 1; there are 2 different record types with different data to enter. You create 2 views and subjects for those 2 record types. Depending on the record type you show data in one of the views, and the interface only shows the subject with data.

Example; “a legal entity” can be both a human and a company. Both have a different form but share the same table. The user adds a “a legal entity” and selects company. Next the rest of the form appears, with a switch between the “company” and the “person” view. 

Hi Daan,

Can we merge this idea with the following idea?


NewNeeds feedback

Yes, we could merge it. But I see more reasons to do so than in the other post.

The main thing is that this could be decided client side based on offline data. At this moment we have a context procedure to hide tabs on which users don’t have to enter data, and that is a round trip to the server, plus additional logic, which is depended on the names of the references. and the expertise's of the user.

It would be nice to just not show tabs without questions. This way we only have to maintain the questions at an more abstract level and don’t have to edit the code when something changes.

Updated idea statusNeeds feedbackMerged
Idea merged into:

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Yes, we could merge it. But I see more reasons to do so than in the other post.

The main thing is that this could be decided client side based on offline data. At this moment we have a context procedure to hide tabs on which users don’t have to enter data, and that is a round trip to the server, plus additional logic, which is depended on the names of the references. and the expertise's of the user.

It would be nice to just not show tabs without questions. This way we only have to maintain the questions at an more abstract level and don’t have to edit the code when something changes.

 I’ve replied to this input in the merged idea: