Show icon instead of badge next to the object name

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Universal GUI

Instead of showing a number next to an object name that represents something, I would like to be able to make it an Icon.

For instance, let's say the badge normally shows a number of rows where the user needs to do something about. But in my case it doesn't matter much if there's is 1 thing or 100 things. So instead of showing [100] I would like to show an icon. Then when hovering over the icon, it should show an tooltip where I can say to the user why the icon is visible.

Example next to Tab 'File’:


I would also like to be able to highlight a certain tab. That could be an icon or a different color.


When we designed badges as a new feature, we said, this could be stage 2. I'm glad you want this too.

Btw, as a workaround, in the SF we have some situations where we have 2 details, one with icon and one without and switch tab pages with a context procedure to show the icon or not.

Updated idea status OpenOn the backlog