Reason of Synchronize to IAM

Related products: Software Factory

:bulb: It would be nice if the task (start_sync_meta_model_to_iam) pop-up to synchronize the SF model to IAM would be extended with a optional field to register the reason of synchronize. The description can be written to the (execution_run) history record. 



Updated idea status NewOpen

Hi @Dennis van Leeuwen,

I can imagine you would like to see the differences per synchronized version. However, we already provide a project version description in the ‘Project overview’. Would it also suffice if we would  synchronize this information to IAM?

Hi Jeroen,

If you mean the project description from the SF to IAM as shown below then not because in practice you can synchronize the same version several times. As an example adding a new prefilter the first time and the next synchronization add an menu tile. This is exactly the information I want to put in the synchronization description. 


Updated idea statusOpenOn the backlog

Hi @Dennis van Leeuwen,

In the 2022.1, a field named ‘Note’ has been added to the task pop-up for synchronizing to IAM/disk and deploying your end product. The reason we chose this name, is because it also allows you to note a different kind of comment than only the reason for synchronizing. This note can be seen in the history tab of the synchronization run.


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