Making the 'Refresh model' task also get the latest project version

Related products: Windows GUI

Currently if I open the application (directly to the SF) it'll open with the given project version. In my case I put in 'null' so it will open the latest development version. When I do an upgrade in the Software Factory and then make a new project version, I have to close my application to open the same application again, just to change the project version of the application.

What I would like as developer is that when I press the 'Refresh model' task (only available to developers) that the GUI (application) will look if there's a newer development version available. Then if so, that it will give me a message saying if I would like to instead switch my application project version to the newer project version; a simple yes/no would do the trick.

That would mean I don't have to close my application anymore and it is always running the latest project version. It will ensure I'm never making changes in a wrong version because I didn't notice that the project version I'm working in (in the SF) is not the same version (in the application) I'm looking at.

Side note: When a new project version is made and the old one has been made 'Inactive', the GUI will actually freeze upon refreshing the model

In the 2023.1 version of the Software Factory, we did a complete revision of how projects and project versions are managed using temporal versioning. This also includes the way a project (now model) will be selected.

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