Clarify that only Excel files are allowed to import in the web gui

Related products: Windows GUI

We've done some usability testing on the web gui and notices that it's not immediately clear what is allowed to import*. To place it in context, we also have other imports (xml or other various formats) via tasks, which may confuse end users. It's a bit difficult to explain end users that the “Import” is generic and different than importing a xml file via a task. So they often go to “Import” in stead of the task.

It would be usefull if the web file upload has a file type restriction like the Windows GUI has:

Windows GUI


This would help the user a bit more in troubleshooting.

*: The users don't see the red dot when uploading an invalid file, and don't know why they cannot continue to the following screen. Maybe the red dot should be complemented with some text that the file extension is not allowed.


Updated idea status OpenOn the backlog