Ability to execute table tasks by swiping

Related products: Universal GUI

We would like to have the ability to execute table tasks by swiping a grid line. This would be very useful if your device has a touch screen. You should be able to link a table task to 'swipe to the left' and another table task to 'swipe to the right'.

Currently you can show tasks on the top or bottom of a grid in mobile. To start a task for a specific record you should select a line first and then select the concerning task. By swiping you could easily execute a task for a line, it saves space on your screen and it a natural way of user interaction.
Hello John,

Thank you for the suggested idea, we'll keep this in mind for the Universal GUI.

Kind Regards,

Maybe not quite, but close to what you are looking for: drag and drop for tasks. With a narrow space left and right, and your subject in the middle, drag and drop to left or right can perform one or another task (and top and bottom if you need more).

First steps are taken:
Blog link:


This topic is more or less about a same idea, little different approach:


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