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This How To will explain how to start a new topic. Please first use the search function on the main page to see if your question is being discussed in an already existing topic.

The Create a new topic button is avaiable on most pages throughout the Community. Simply click on "Create a new topic" next to your profile picture:

Create a new topic

Then you can proceed with giving your new topic a descriptive title.

Important: If possible, state the SF version that you are using, the exact problem you are facing and if applicable also a description of what you've already tried to solve it. The more details the easier it is for other users to help you. Please also make sure that your post does not infringe with our Forum guidelines, which can be found here.

If you're posting a question, please select “Question” or "Conversation" option. Ideas can also be created here when you have an awesome idea for the platform!

Select a kind of topic

A question can be marked as Solved (see here) helping other users with a similar question to find an answer on the forum. When you're satisfied with the information, you can click on Post comment. Afterwards you will find your newly created topic at the top of the Board.

Please note: This board has been closed for replies and new topics. Replying to posts only works in the open boards. Have a great day!

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