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If i enter values for Label or Field width in Subjects>Settings no changes seem to happen (If i enter Field height this do change it for every column for that table). If I enter values for Label or Field width per cell via Subject>Components>Form the width change does happen. Although then, if a field is added later, this does not have the same properties of course because it reverts to the defaul values. Is this a possible bug? Am i missing something?

I see this topic is still unanswered, did you manage to get it working or do you still need help with this?

Hi Guido,

Are you using the Windows- or Web GUI or the Universal GUI? They have a bit of a different approach when it comes to field- and label widths.

For the Windows- and Web GUI, the settings at Subject>Settings are used as default values for the settings at Subject>Component>Forms. In addition, the settings at Subject>Settings determine the total form column width reserved for fields.

For Universal, the total form column width is flexible, it scales when changing the available horizontal space. The configured label- and field widths at Subject>Component>Forms also fall back to Subject>Settings, but instead they are used to calculate a percentage of the available horizontal space relative to Subject>Settings.

Readings Anne’s comment i now know what he meant by reserved label width in Subject>Settings

The ‘problem’ is solved, because i know my issue, but i would suggest instead of naming Subject>Settings tLabel width] and ]Field width], rename it to: tLabel width reservation] and ]Field width reservation], or something like that.

Hi Anne,

I am using the Windows GUI. The way you are describing Subject>Settings as default values for Subject>Component>Forms is how i expected it to work, but in practice it is not doing anything on the Windows GUI, from the Settings that is, Forms is working fine.