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I'm having a problem after synchronising a new version of our product to the customer where it looks that new added columns are not known for some users. Some other users don't have that problem.

The problem is visible, because the layout procedure gives an error:

Stored procedure “lat_product” genereerde een fout bij het afleiden van de parameters 


New columns

However, this is only happening with some users. When i am logged in, in my computer on the customers side, and when I open that version, I don't have that problem.

Are there any directions I can look into?

Hi Peter,

Normally this error only occurs when the Model and the Stored procedure have a mismatch in parameters. The Model expects more parameters while the Layout procedure does not supply them. It is strange that it does not happen for you and does happen for other users.

Are the model and the database each on a different version? Are you sure the Layout procedure is supplying the parameter the model is missing?

I think some users are still using a model version where the parameter is expected while the Layout procedure does not supply it (anymore).

Let me know!

Kind regards,
Mark Jongeling

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your reply. The model and the database are the same. Also me and the other customer are on the same version of the GUI and also the same version of the model.






And then me:


Kind regards,



Hi Peter,

This error may occur when the domains used for the columns are not granted correctly.

Can you run the following statements on the product database:

grant references on type::domain_a to public;
grant references on type::domain_b to public;
grant references on type::domain_c to public;

Where domain_a, domain_b, domain_c are the domains of the columns that cause the errors.

Thanks a lot Anne, that did it!