release notes

Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2021.3.13)

Related products: Windows GUI
Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2021.3.13)

Hello everyone,

In this sprint we made logging easier, and we solved some issues.

You can read more about the Windows and Web GUI's features, in the GUI user manual. We will keep you updated regularly about the Windows and Web GUI's progress.




Developer mode no longer necessary for logging (Web GUI)

Previously, when you wanted to enable logging for the Web GUI, you needed both the extended property WriteLogToFile and the option ExecutionMode (developer) in the settings.ini file.

Now, we have removed the developer mode as one of the conditions. So, you can enable or disable logging solely by changing the extended property in IAM. This facilitates limited logging but prevents that users need to log in as a developer.

Limited logging (e.g., only exceptions) can be set by combining the extended properties WriteLogToFile and LogSeverity.


Minor fixes and tasks

  • (Windows GUI) The scheduler yielded a divide by zero exception when the default row height for the grid was 0. This has been fixed.
  • (Windows GUI) We have fixed an issue with failing file uploads in the Windows GUI in combination with Indicium. This issue only occurred in tables without a default procedure.