
​​​​🔥 Hotfix - SF 2019.1 and 2019.2 - Search illegal xml characters

Related products: Software Factory

In SF versions 2019.1 and 2019.2 you may get an error like this: XML parsing: line 1, character 2967663, illegal xml character.

When you get this error, it is very hard to determine where the illegal character can be found.  To solve this, we introduced a stored procedure called task_search_illegal_xml_characters. This stored procedure searches in all character fields in your project version for illegal characters. Because this procedure can be time consuming, we made it is also possible to search in a specific table.

The parameters of this procedure are:

  1. @project_id
  2. @project_vrs_id
  3. @tab_id

@project_id and @project_vrs_id are mandatory. When you fill in NULL for @tab_id, the procedure will search in all tables with a project version.

In the upcoming SF version 2020.1 this procedure will be available as a formal task on project version.

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