Welcome email newly created IAM users (activate account and set password)

Related products: Intelligent Application Manager

As a user, I would like to be able to send a welcome email to newly created IAM users, containing a link and an activation code so then can activate their accounts and set their passwords on their own.

Within our application, I create customers who are subsequently set up as IAM users. Initially, the customer cannot log in as they do not have a password. I am hesitant to create and communicate a password for the customer via email. Instead, I am seeking the capability to generate an email for the customer, containing a link and an "activateToken," enabling them to activate their account and create a password.

I would also prefer the ability to modify the email template, similar to the "password reset" email.


Updated idea statusNewMerged
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Comment: This idea overlaps with the idea it has been merged with. Idea point 2.2 and 2.3 cover this idea. However, with the initial implementation of the idea, this will not be implemented. The implementation initially focuses on point 2.4 - ability to send System email notifications to users from within IAM.