SF/Indicium - simple button to wake Indicium

Related products: Software Factory Intelligent Application Manager

No matter the IIS-settings, the Indicia in my life keep falling asleep.

Yes, it has been ages. How about coffee?


Of the several ways to get them awake, visiting the URL is least disruptive for users of other services on the same server and for the IIS-support staff. But: what is the URL of the Indicium for this SF?

I'd say the URL can be retrieved by the Deployer, and be stored somewhere in IAM. The value can be made available to the SF. The SF has ample options to call a simple URL, so with a button to open (a preview of) the webpage where the login of Indicium resides, Indicium can be manually woken up when needed from within the SF

With the right settings this is not necessary so I see no purpose for this wish. 


Manual workaround for when you encounter the dreaded “We stopped hearing from Indicium”-state: try to figure out the URL where Indicium resides, and visit that URL with your browser. 

The visit will trigger IIS to check whether all resources for the site/app at that location are available, and kick Indicium if it is asleep. After a few moments, work will get started on the queue in the SF.


Manual workaround for when you encounter the dreaded “We stopped hearing from Indicium”-state: try to figure out the URL where Indicium resides, and visit that URL with your browser. 

The visit will trigger IIS to check whether all resources for the site/app at that location are available, and kick Indicium if it is asleep. After a few moments, work will get started on the queue in the SF.


lacking an “Edit” button: I forgot a screenshot of the page you'd want to visit, it is this one:



In case you split IAM's for different applications, it is the Indicium of the SF that you need to wake up.

This idea will become obsolete once the Software Factory is running on a version of the Windows GUI that uses the Indicium (Universal) version as opening the Software Factory will trigger the Indicium to wake up in case it was not running.

We also do not support the idea of saving a direct link to Indicium inside the Software Factory. Besides that, the Software Factory does not know there is an Indicium so inputting an Indicium URL anywhere would always be a manual action. And in addition to that, the URL is outdated as soon as there's a change inside IIS, causing Indicium to have a different URL. 

Updated idea statusNewDeclined