Optimize Universal GUI for small mobile devices

Related products: Universal GUI

It would be nice if Universal GUI could be optimized for mobile devices with small screens. So that we can deliver simple applications that are very intuitive and easy to use by all kind of users with a minimum of finger clicks.

Something like this:



Hi @Harm Horstman,

Good suggestions. Your idea is somewhat related to idea like these:



I could merge your idea into one of these ideas, the advantage being that the votes are gathered. We could then add a reaction to that idea stating your business case.

However, I can also understand if you'd like to keep your idea intact, in which case I will not merge it but set the status to ‘Open’. Please let me know what you prefer.

Thanks @Jeroen van den Belt for your response

I hope you can quickly work out a solutions that covers all ideas as good as possible, because I guess we all need more or less the same for our end users. An efficient, intuitive interface that just  works like any other mobile application.


