Improve SF - Clear invisible data by changing prefilter type

Related products: Software Factory

 :bulb:The desired situation

When changing the prefilter type, the SF gives a message to determine whether you want to delete underlying data, or exclude that this change can take place so that a developer is forced to empty underlying data first.

:warning: Current situation

  • When you change a prefilter type in the SF from prefilter type "Query" to "Prefilter columns" the query is not emptied.
  • When you change a prefilter type in the SF from prefilter type "Prefilter columns" to "Query", the columns underwater are not deleted.

The GUI works well because it determines based on the prefilter type whether the where statement is built based on the query or the columns.


Example - After changing type detail tab "Prefilter columns” still available


Understandable, it would probably be possible to turn this screen into a View and mutate the prefilters that way. Then give a warning message to the user that underlying data will be cleaned upon saving for example. 

Thanks for the suggestion!

Updated idea status NewOpen

Internally we have talked about the idea but we do have validations in place to help developers find these problems in the model. Wouldn't these suffice? 

These are the validations:



You are absolutely right, this seems more than enough to me. 

Check, check double check  :ballot_box_with_check: 


Updated idea status OpenClosed