Fix to eliminate startup problems, related to menu issues

Related products: Software Factory

While developing an application we encountered the problem that the Universal GUI would not start because there was no menu linked to the platform of type 'Universal'.

I see some possible improvements, to eliminate this problem:

  1. Always start the Universal GUI, but show a message if a menu cannot be displayed
  2. Activate all menus in case no menu is specifically assigned to the Universal platform
  3. Add a 'Platform' item to the default menu in SF, where all specific settings per platform can be seen. At the moment, linking a menu to a platform is a bit complicated
  4. A new validation rule

Related ticket:  8597S


OpenOn the backlog


A new validation rule

The idea is to introduce a new validation that notifies the developer when no menu is assigned to/available in the model for the Universal platform.

The other proposed solutions have been discussed but will not be implemented.