Detect the use of mass import/update through GUI in flow.

Related products: Software Factory Universal GUI Indicium Service Tier

We have a solution that based on row changes an automatic calculation is triggered.  However when a user uses the mass import/update functionality in the GUI the first insert/update will trigger the automatic calculation. THis increases the risk of a deadlock. Is there a way to detect that a user uses the GUI import/update functionality so the automatic calculation can be turned off temporarely?

Hey Freddy,

As far as I know there is no easy fix for this.

Perhaps you could consider moving the functionality from the trigger to a task, which could then be scheduled? By scheduling it, the automatic calculation can then be executed periodically instead of every time a record is inserted, which would fix the problem. The only downside being that the calculation is not executed immediately, but might be slightly delayed.

Hey Freddy,

As far as I know there is no easy fix for this.

Perhaps you could consider moving the functionality from the trigger to a task, which could then be scheduled? By scheduling it, the automatic calculation can then be executed periodically instead of every time a record is inserted, which would fix the problem. The only downside being that the calculation is not executed immediately, but might be slightly delayed.

It's already a delayed calculation, but the mass insert/update is a per row functionality and it takes longer than the interval for the calculation.  

Can you turn this into an idea?   


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