Automatically disable Program Object(s) when deleting handler Control Procedure

Related products: Software Factory

I think it would be good to automatically disable program objects when removing/deleting a handler control procedure. Or at least automatically disable them when no (0) templates are assigned.

My situation
I thought using a handler was a good option, but during the process I decided this was not the best option. So I deleted the Control Procedure (which includes the template). I thought this was all I had to do to undo the handler that I created.

Unfortunately this resulted in errors:
[err] An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. (ffba027a)
System.Exception: The identity value should be set by the api_call_settings handler.

I also noticed that the SF kept creating the a Stored Procedure on the database.

Only when I re-created a handler and disabled the Program Object, the error was gone.

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