Ability for double clicks that will execute tasks to work on fields(forms)/columns(grid)

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Universal GUI Indicium Service Tier

We have an idea of instead of having a lot of tasks as buttons around the page to do specific code executions or process flow, like process action “go to row”. Maybe we can just bind them to fields and if we double click the fields, they will be able to do different things.

Obviously, we already have this as DoubleClick on grid, meaning its per record. What if we can do this also per fields. 

If this feature is considered. It would help us have our pages using Universal Gui look simpler with the task buttons be hidden in the background.


Current Double Click Feature we have.



For Column(Cell)-bounded tasks, this idea is already raised: Cell based double-click in Grids instead of whole row in Universal | Thinkwise Community (thinkwisesoftware.com)

Form-field-bounded tasks are not included in that idea, so your idea will be for formfield-bounded task support😉