Display value of Image combo value should always be shown in form

Related products: Universal GUI

If you use an Image combo in your form, the display value is shown in the edit mode, but not in the non edit mode. This is not logical because there is already space for the display value. It would be useful for the user to show the display value in every mode.


Updated idea statusNewOpen

@Victor Klaren I don't entirely agree, as an Image combo makes the GUI both more graphic and more clean. I prefer this Idea to show the Image combo name in a tooltip when hovering over: 


@Arie V I also prefer a tooltip for a grid, as you mentioned in your idea. But for a form, you already have the space for your text in edit mode, so why not use that same space in non-edit mode?

Fair point, although I believe I remember a discussion with @Anne Buit / @Robbert van Tongeren where we considered a ‘creative’ setup of showing multiple icons in a single Image combo. In that case displaying the value might not be preferred, but then again, we could probably work around that particular edge case using a translation which effectively only includes a space.