SF - model validations: add a badge with no. of hits

Related products: Software Factory



One of the powerful features of the SF is having all functionality in a model that can be checked on integrety. Validations point at weaknesses in an implementation and point in the right direction to solve those weakneses.

An application with no validation warnings and errors is inherently of better technical quality than an application with errors. A platform upgrade is easier on an application without warnings or errors.


Even so, over time warnings and errors tend to creep into models.


It would be helpful to have a badge on the validations that counts the number of validation messages.


The count can function as a very crude measure of overall quality. It would help in estimating the time needed to resolve validation hints.


Exhibit 1: While validation messages are displayed, it is impractical to count them. How much time does it take to solve all warnings, if on average it takes 10 minutes per message?


Exhibit 2: While the total number of messages is available, it is difficult to find out how many errors and warnings there are.


Hey Boudewijn,

The images are unavailable for us to see. Could you reupload them?

Kind regards,
Mark Jongeling

Hi Mark,

Thanks for mentioning the images, I'll look into it!

Updated idea status NewOpen

Unfortunately, this idea has not received enough votes. Because we want to keep the focus on ideas that are in high demand in our Community, we are closing this idea.

Updated idea status Open → Closed