2023.1: Add a tree structure for insight in branch levels

Related products: Software Factory

In the 2023.1 version all branches are part of the same model. To add a better overview of branch levels please add a tree structure to showcase if a branch is created from the main (root) or a different branch. Currently it's not visually clear what are 1st or 2nd (etc) level branches.



Updated idea statusNewOpen

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Hello Erwin, 

I've worked on a prototype to show a visual representation using the blog of Robert Jan as inspiration. 

This looks something like this:

Next sprint we are going to try and merge this prototype into our DEVELOP, so we can hopefully deploy it with the 2023.2. 

OpenWorking on it!

Hi all,

We made some final adjustments, including the option to show/hide archived branches (previously inactive branches). This will allow for a cleaner overview when desired:

With archived branches
Without archived branches, only active branches visible

This will be part of the 2023.2 release. Credits to @Ester!

Working on it!Next release

Looking gooooood

Next releaseCompleted