Limit auto refresh to subject only without references

Related products: Software Factory Universal GUI Indicium Service Tier

Hi. We have a table that has an auto refresh 30s..  how do I prevent that its references also refresh? Because a drawing is shown as a detail and it also refreshes every 30s and that's not wanted. 

I had a similar scenario last week, good idea to have this as an option.

Especially when the active detail is a FormList, the refresh can take long.

Hey Freddy,

I'm pretty sure no option exists for this yet. You can only disable the auto refresh on the table itself, or on the tables that are details of another table. However, if the main table is refreshed, all details that are visible in the GUI will be refreshed as well.

Maybe it's an option to not show the detail with the drawing immediately, but only after the user actually selects the tab page? This would be similar to the Columns tab page within Tables or Prefilters within Subjects, for example.

Otherwise you can create an idea for this and we can look into implementing this in the future 😄


Hey Freddy,

I'm pretty sure no option exists for this yet. You can only disable the auto refresh on the table itself, or on the tables that are details of another table. However, if the main table is refreshed, all details that are visible in the GUI will be refreshed as well.

Maybe it's an option to not show the detail with the drawing immediately, but only after the user actually selects the tab page? This would be similar to the Columns tab page within Tables or Prefilters within Subjects, for example.

Otherwise you can create an idea for this and we can look into implementing this in the future 😄


Hi @Renée Evertzen can you make this thread an idea then? 
