Release note

Release notes Indicium (2022.1.18)

Related products: Indicium Service Tier
Release notes Indicium (2022.1.18)

Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we have added new settings for OpenID Identity Providers and solved some issues. Furthermore, we are working hard on features for the upcoming 2022.2 Thinkwise platform release and features that take multiple sprints to build.

You can read more about Indicium's features in the Indicium user manual.

We will keep you updated regularly about Indicium's progress.




Indicium Universal


New settings for OpenID Identity Providers

  • IncludeProfileScope - Indicium default requests the openid and profile scopes for external Identity Providers. However, not all Identity Providers support the profile scope. We have, therefore, introduced a new setting: IncludeProfileScope. You can add it to the appsettings.json file with the value false to prevent Indicium from requesting the profile scope.

  • PromptLogin - Indicium already supported the AlwaysPromptLogin setting, but this only allowed you to specify true in order for Indicium to use the "login" prompt. The new PromptLogin setting allows you to specify a string, for example, select_account, to use any prompt setting supported by the Identity Provider.


As of platform version 2022.2, the settings for external Identity Providers will be available in IAM.


Minor fixes and tasks

  • Indicium did not supply a file name hint to the browser for previewed files. As a result, when saving a file from the PDF previewer in the Universal GUI, it would use a part of the URL as the file name. This has been fixed.
  • We have fixed a performance issue that occurred on process flows that required interaction with the Universal GUI when using an SF meta source (i.e., /sf/appl instead of /iam/appl). The issue could cause a delay of several seconds on every action that required communication with the Universal GUI. System flow actions were not affected.