release notes

Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2021.2.15)

Related products: Windows GUI
Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2021.2.15)

Hello everyone,

in this sprint we solved some issues for the scheduler and for two-factor authentication.

You can read the GUI user manual to read about the Windows and Web GUI's features. We'll keep you updated regularly about the Windows and Web GUI's progress.


Minor fixes and tasks


Two factor authentication: invalid 'code sent' message (Web GUI)

A user could force a 'verificationcode send' message when they repeatedly tried to log in after already receiving an error message. However, the Web GUI did not actually send a verification code.

This is been fixed. Now, the Web GUI will repeat the original error message and never show the 'verificationcode send' message.


Scheduler (Windows GUI & Web GUI)

Some minor fixes for the scheduler have been made:

  • The active menu incorrectly changed to the list bar menu when the scheduler was opened in a floating document. Now, it keeps the opened tiles menu as it is.
  • Resizing an appointment in the Web GUI no longer causes an unhandled exception.
  • The header color of inactive scales no longer uses the grid header font settings.
  • The date picker no longer crashes in the Web GUI when navigating to dates.
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