release notes

Indicium 2021.2.18 release notes

Related products: Indicium Service Tier
Indicium 2021.2.18 release notes

Hello everyone,

This release is a little different from our normal releases. Due to some compatibility issues between the Universal GUI and Indicium Universal 2021.2.16 and 2021.2.17, we are rolling back some changes from these releases to ensure stability. If you are not experiencing any issues, then it is not necessary to replace your Indicium. However, if you are experiencing requests that produce 500 errors, then we recommend to install this version of Indicium to fix these problems.

You can read the Indicium user manual to read about Indicium's features.

We won't release a new version of Indicium Universal this sprint, to make sure that Indicium Universal and the Universal GUI are fully compatible again in the next release (September 17th). 

A new version of the Universal GUI will be released at the end of this sprint, but remain compatible with this version (2021.2.18) of Indicium Universal.

This release of Indicium is the same as version 2021.2.15, plus the changes listed below.


  • Default values (including default expressions) are now applied to imported rows.

Minor fixes and tasks

  • Fixed an issue that caused Indicium to return records in a different order despite the $orderby parameter being the same. This could occur when the values of the sorted columns were not unique within the table for view. This has been fixed by appending the primary key to the end of the order by clause to make the sorting deterministic.
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