Generating new sequencenumbers when copying colums

Related products: Software Factory

When columns are copied (using the appropriate task) the SF keeps the original sequence numbers. Instead of that I'd like to see

  • The new columns copied to the end of the target table
  • Even better: insert the copied columns after a certain sequencenumber (that can be entered in the task), but keeping the lot together (by resequencing the table after each copied row).

Now, for instance, when copying lets say a set of adress information columns from one table to another, the are spread out through the target table; placing them back together is a nuisance.
Hi Henry,

When copying columns, these columns are placed after the selected column of the target table. The order numbers are incremented by 1. After copying, you can clean up the order numbers with the Renumber columns task.

@Jasper Would it be an idea to run the renumber task after copying columns?

It will be one less click in terms of efficiency 🙂

I'm not sure what I am looking at here, but I don't recognize the functionality. Probably something we have to wait for in the Universal GUI.... Or is this 2019.1 or 2019.2? I cannot select where I want the new columns to be inserted in a target columm, that's for sure.
Ah! Now I understand what you're looking for.

The copied columns will be placed UNDER the row you selected in columns

Resulting in (columns are placed UNDER test_kolom2)

Though I can imagine if you run the task while all columns in 'colunns' have seqnrs like 1,2,3,4,5,6 instead of 10,20,30,40,50 the numbering will not work well, because it seems it starts at the row you selected in columns and goes +1 every time.

Also if you copy more than 10 columns within the 10,20,30 sequence it will also receive the wrong seqnrs.
@Tom van Druten

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I haven't used the copy task in that particular location yet (normally from the Full Model --> Tables location where this kind of functionality is not available.

But I think for copying a set of, let's say, 10 relative columns and keeping them together in the target table or view will make life easier.

Perhaps a choice renumber before and/or renumber after for the target table would also smoothen things out.

I'll use this task the next time around. I'm also curious whether this one copies lookup information as well (if not, that'll going to be a new wish).
@Tom van Druten

I'm also curious whether this one copies lookup information as well (if not, that'll going to be a new wish).

Lookup information will require a reference, so nope 🙂 (Though I do believe this could easily be added in the copy task)