Frequently Used Menu / Favorites Menu

Related products: Universal GUI

I’ve been using the SF for a few weeks and when you have a big application with many menu items, I noticed that the quick way to open a menu is to search using filter.

It would be nice if there is a ‘Frequent Used Menu’ or 'Favorites’ on the menu list.



  • Frequent Used Menu will record and show the most opened menu on the list
  • Favorites menu: the user should be able to add the favorites menu through the settings

Good idea!

Preliminary designs for the Universal GUI menus already accounted for ‘pinning’ opened menu items to make them easily accessible even after being closed. This would work as a form of user preferences.

Turning frequently used menu items into pinned menu items can be integrated into the advices mechanism.

In short, this feature is currently on the backlog for Universal.